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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Grazing Management Office


Provides oversight and technical assistance to District Grazing Committees, Farm Boards and Eastern Navajo Land Board members. Develops reviews and recommends policies, procedures and regulation for grazing on trust, ranch and leased lands.

Reviews and presents grazing disputes cases and appeals to the Office of Hearings and Appeals, to ensure compliance with Navajo Nation Laws and established grazing regulations.

Provides administrative, logistical, and technical support to District Grazing Committees Farm Board and Eastern Navajo Land Board. Maintains livestock tallies and provides community education on grazing regulation and procedures.

Proposed NRIA 2012


Proposed Navajo Grazing Act 161KB - Adobe PDF

National Environmental Policy Act Of 1969

NRIA of 2014, July 2014


( This document is a work in progress and will change as the Navajo Nation Department of Agriculture continues to modify. An updated draft is currently in the process. )

RDC Pubilc Meeting - AGENDA, July 12, 2012 195KB - Adobe PDF

NN EPA Water Quality/NPDES - Fred Johnson, Environmental Specialist 8.29MB - Adobe PDF

"Condition of the Land, Public Input, NN Agriculture Plan" - NN TCO Branch 5.32MB - Adobe PDF

"Challenges in Enforcing Grazing Laws" - NN Grazing Committee 2.34MB - Adobe PDF

DWR01 2011-06-30 NN Drought Reaffirmation Declaration 51.1KB - Adobe PDF

DWR02 2012 05 NN Drought Status Report 182KB - Adobe PDF

DWR03 2003 NN Drought Contingency Plan 3.87MB - Adobe PDF

Navajo Grazing Act Presentation - Dept of Agriculture 3.47MB - Adobe PDF

Navajo Grazing Act, Title 3, NN Code, Chapter 5 160KB - Adobe PDF

"Increasing Vulnerability to Drought & Climate Change on the NN" - Hiza Redsteer 7.76MB - Adobe PDF

"Increasing Vulnerability to Drought - (Meeting Notes) - HRedsteer 2.19MB - Adobe PDF

"Current Condition of the Rangelands" - BIA Chinle Agency, Branch of Natural Resources 16.8MB - Adobe PDF

BIA Ft.Defiance Agency - Jerome Willie, Rangeland Management Specialist 5.14MB - Adobe PDF

BIA Range Study Overview - Jerome Willie, Rangeland Management Specialist 2.63MB - Adobe PDF

BIA History Overview and Summary Grazing - Calvert L Curley 1.48MB - Adobe PDF

BIA Western Agency - Range Inventory Studies - Tony Robbins 3.03MB - Adobe PDF

Navajo Nation Major Irrigation - Navajo Farm Boards


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